The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55998   Message #873962
Posted By: Lane
24-Jan-03 - 02:00 PM
Thread Name: to get started
Subject: RE: to get started
Great info all... please keep it coming. Guest, I appreciate the detailed explanation - a little over my head, I think, but I'll take it home tonight and go through step by step. I want to clarify (may be a dumb question) but, when you refer to "head voice", that means the same as falsetto, correct? I understand the chest voice... normal, if you will.. and breaking to falsetto, which I can actually do sort of well... its getting to the right notes in the falsetto that's tricky..

Other guest, thanks for the link.. it looks interesting...

Oh, in the Night Rider's Lament thread, one of you mentioned a song.. "Teach Me to Yodel" or something like that.. any idea where I can find it? I also need to find a recording of NRL with a good yodel to practice from...

Hunting for Cathy Fink too...
