The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55980   Message #874007
Posted By: GUEST,Promoter of Irish music
24-Jan-03 - 02:55 PM
Thread Name: Irish Music and Religion
Subject: RE: BS: Irish Music and Religion
I'm a member and officer of this organisation too. The constitution's aims and objectives are clear as are the penalties for anyone acting against the constitution. The constitution is the basis for the organisation's existence under law.

The organisation is not a missionary extension of any religious body and it is illegal to use it as such. To use the organisation's name and resources in such a way is fraudulent... it's that simple! The organisation is in danger of losing its funding and is alienating people of other cultures and beliefs. It does not exist to do this. Its aims and objectives are quite the opposite.

Religious concerns are a matter for those individuals concerned on a personal basis. The organisation has no business involving itself in religious matters. Members who act unconstitutionally should realise these simple facts before they are confronted with them in a court of law.

Be assured of my branch's total support for your stand.