The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55998 Message #874022
Posted By: GUEST,ClaireBear
24-Jan-03 - 03:09 PM
Thread Name: to get started
Subject: RE: to get started
I'm rapidly going out of my depth too, because although I consider myself a fairly good yodeler (at least on the basic stuff), I can't even imagine being able to hold the same note while switching back and forth from chest voice to head or vice versa. I have a distinct range in each voice and if they overlap at all, it's only by a note or two.
Hmm. Maybe the trick (for us mere mortals, ursine or otherwise) is to find where the break in your range *is* exactly, and practice switching back and forth there. Once you know what it feels like, maybe you can force your voice to do the same thing higher or lower on the scale...?
Unfortunately I'm at *my* office now and can't try it -- same problem you had yesterday. Maybe I'll go sit in my car...