The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55980   Message #874074
Posted By: GUEST,No Doubt
24-Jan-03 - 04:03 PM
Thread Name: Irish Music and Religion
Subject: RE: BS: Irish Music and Religion
In the US, which is where the branch under consideration is located, there is no law which prevents any organization, whether for profit or not, from engaging in religious activities, and collecting funds in association with those activities. It is a very common practice. I don't know where people get the idea that a nonprofit is not allowed to engage in religious activities, including sponsoring religious services in conjunction with other arts and cultural activities.

Seems there is a whole lot of ignorance about these issues by posters here. And I have to say, I fault Doubting Thomas for this, as he is the original poster who made the claim that Comhaltas was violating it's constitution by sponsoring a mass with their festivals, and misrepresenting itself in it's fundraising efforts about it. If that were actually the case, I assure you all, the organization would have been put out of business by the US Justice Department decades ago.

This entire issue is being blown out of all proportion, and the
so-called "arguments" being put forth now are just plain silly.

Comhaltas is not performing missionary work by having mass in conjunction with their festivals. Please someone, tell me people aren't really as gullible, ignorant, or malicious as some are beginning to appear to be here.