The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55724   Message #874205
Posted By: Bobert
24-Jan-03 - 06:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush to Minorities: Screw you and the...
Subject: RE: BS: Bush to Minorities: Screw you and the...
Yo, Doug: Thank's for the kind words about my artwork. They were nice.

Now, as fir the average working shmo. You may not see it as much as most of us becasue you live in an area that is highly populated with folks who have survived the assembly lines and are now more concerned with tee times then making a living.

With that said, the average American worker is now working longer and harder for less return for his labor than any time in the last 30 years. Income to debt ratios are at an all time high. Bankrupcties at an all time high. Now, with unemployment so high, those who have jobs are working even harder than longer hoping not to be the next to get a pink slip. This is occuring at a time when health care and insurance costs are rocketing to the degree that 41,000,000 American citizens now have no health insurance.

Given the absolute *driven* condition that the working man finds himself in, he comes home, crashes and goes at it again in the morning. You may not think it is like this but it is very much like this. I see it everyday. The American worker is battle fatigued and, sadly, as smart as he may be, doesn't have the time to do what a lot of us here at Mudcat take for granted, like, ahhh, thinking and communicating about ideas.

But no problem, Doug, becuase our working class hero has Mr Bush and his PR firms to stick little catch ohrases in his mind so that if he is asked an opionion, he will have one. No his, actaully. Butr an opinion. And guess who's opinion he has and guess what "buzz words" he will use in voicing it? Yep, Bush's PR firms, that's whose.

Now, I know you well enough to know that you think yer ol' hillbilly been watching too many movies or off the meds, but this is the real world. If it wasn't then why is it that the candidate that spent the most money won 90% of the last election races. Hmmmmmm? Because the one with the most money got more exposure for their buzz words. Its all about repetition...

Like Walter Cronkite used to say, "And that's the way it is."
