The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56086   Message #875044
Posted By: alanabit
26-Jan-03 - 04:52 AM
Thread Name: Bill Boazman - Anyone know him?
Subject: RE: Bill Boazman - Anyone know him?
Thanks Alice. That's about as far as I got, but I'll check out your site there. Google also has a Bill Boazman listed as playing on JJ Cale albums, but that has to be another guitarist. The idea of JJ Cale recording anywhere near Reading is just too bizarre!
Thanks Snuffy too. I remember a guy called Terry who played a bit of slide guitar occasionaly with Gerald and Jo Moore.He is probably not the one though, as the writer of the song you quoted must be older. I'll refresh this thread for a day or two and see if anyone else knows anything.