The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #8774 Message #875593
Posted By: Roger the Skiffler
27-Jan-03 - 03:38 AM
Thread Name: Nadia Cattouse - whatever happened to?
Subject: RE: NADIA CATTOUSE - whatever happened to?
CATTOUSE Nadia (b British Honduras, later Belize) Folk revival singer. Moved to England '51. Although her career was concentrated into less than ten years, she was an prominent and visible part of the folk scene, esp. through TV work. Contributed one song to each of two volume anthology Edinburgh Folk Festival on Decca '64, allegedly recorded live at the festival but in fact put down in a studio hired for the recording sessions. In the mid '60s she appeared on the television "God slot' programme Hallelujah alongside performers such as Sydney Carter and Martin Carthy; contributed to the Fontana album Songs From "Hallelujah '66. Other performances appeared on the Waverley, Parlophone and Reality labels. With Robin Hall and Jimmie McGregor she made Songs of Grief & Glory '67. Signed to RCA, who released albums Earth Mother '70 (prod. by Sandy Robertson) and the various artists' anthology 49 Greek Street '70. Her son, Michael Lindup, went on to play bass with Level 42.