The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56148   Message #876011
Posted By: Raedwulf
27-Jan-03 - 04:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mass Graves
Subject: RE: BS: Mass Graves
Oh, I'm on the same side as Don & Amos again. There's a world of difference between "may be" & "this is what we're gonna do". Bush may be a monumental lackwit, & the gods know, me being UK, I've no reason to think well of the prat, but he wouldn't even remotely consider such a remotely unpalatable action without bloody good reason. Bush is (or wants to be seen as) a patriot. If he possibly can, he'll bring the bodies home.

Whilst you, anonymous trolling paranoid conspiracy gullible Guest, are an anonymous trolling paranoid conspiracy gullible Guest, trying to lead people up the proverbial garden path. There's plenty of muppets like you about. We've a couple trolling around this board at the moment telling us "by mur gunz, yule bee zafe dat weigh, onest".

Any munchkin can post the sort of vaguely plausible garbage that passes for 'news' or 'fact', but yer actual truth qutotient is less than one part ber billion. Unless, of course, you like believing that sort of 'conspeeracy thang' thing {rollseyes}. Like da man said - seek professional help.