The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56148   Message #876077
Posted By: GUEST
27-Jan-03 - 05:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mass Graves
Subject: RE: BS: Mass Graves
Hitler burned his own parliament building and then blamed it on a retarded 'communist' man in order to rally the Germans behind him. The U.S. government blew up the battleship Maine and blamed it on Spain in order to start the Spanish-American war. This tactic has not changed at all over the centuries. Why should new tactics be devised when old ones have proven to work so well?

The U.S. government (controlled by the global crime syndicate of bankers, corporations and decadent old families) was responsible for the attacks of Sept. 11. Until Americans bite the bullet on that and ADMIT the truth, we will continue down the road to slaughter.

There are THOUSANDS of smoking guns on Sept. 11. It was a sloppy job, and an obvious attempt is being made to cover it up by the Bush junta.

And if we don't do something, Sept. 11 will be 'the good old days' before long. The horrors in store for us will drive all concern about Sept. 11 from our minds. But until then, we need to INSIST our government answer for their actions regarding Sept. 11. They are fully exposed on this, and there's a CHANCE the couple hundred people trying to seize all the real estate in the world can be stopped if we expose this crime. They cannot answer the incriminating questions and are just hoping they can get us embroiled in another disaster before an accounting has to be made.

So, if you are not clamoring constantly for answers regarding Sept. 11, you're not doing enough.

But saying the U.S. government was responsible for Sept. 11 takes courage. People DON'T want to hear about it and will label you a kook. But Sept. 11 set off shock waves around the world, and MANY governments (not just in the U.S.) responded by passing repressive legislation...laws taking rights away from citizens. And the Bushes Carlyle Group and other armaments manufacturers are now arming governments not for fighting terrorists, but for enforcing the repressive new laws. I mean, think about it...there is absolutely no need for war with Iraq. None whatsoever. And now they're talking about burning Americans overseas, just so we won't feel the outrage at the sight of bodybags. Not acceptable.