The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56192   Message #876867
Posted By: GUEST,Ragamuffin Brian at Ragamuffin Radio.
28-Jan-03 - 03:33 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Folk/Blues Songs: The Titanic Disaster
Subject: Origins: Folk/Blues Songs: The Titanic Disaster
Hi fellow Listers.

I'm currently researching for any Folk or Blues music which may relate to The Titanic Disaster 1912, for an Internet Radio program which we hope to have edited & completed by the end of February for world wide web casting.

Based, as we are in Southampton UK., we have no shortage of local musical material & memorabelia. However, we could do with more material to evaluate from other Countries/Regions that were affected by this marine disaster. For example, songs originating from Newfoundland, the Dock area of New York, American Industrial Society of the time, the Canadian or American coastguard, search & rescue services. The connection with Southern Ireland is also strong, as the Titanic's last port of call was in fact Queenstown, & there is a strong immigration link through to the New World as a result. The vessal also called into Cherbourg, France, before departure to Queenstown,Ireland, & therefor a Bretton Folk Link also may exist with songs written about the disaster in Brittany or Normandy?

Any music of interest would be appreciated, especially if it comes with an authentic connection. The music does not have to be traditional, in fact one of the best available recordings has been completed in recent years by Tony Malo, a resident musician upon the Isle Of Wight:"Titanic Going Down".

All, & any 'leads', will be much appreciated: we can't guarantee to make use of all material supplied, but will be grateful for every single musical reference received.

We are not a commercial web station, simply an enthusiastic hobbyist crew.

I can be contacted upon email at:-


Alternatively you can go to the Ragamuffin Web Station page, listen to some darn fine acoustic music shows, & leave any messages upon this site re. The Titanic Music Search:

Many thanks for your interest & feedback.

Ragamuffin Brian.