The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56191   Message #876920
Posted By: Rustic Rebel
28-Jan-03 - 04:20 PM
Thread Name: Concerts/Tours question
Subject: RE: Concerts/Tours question
I'm going to the Fargo Winter Blues fest, next week-end. Feb.8th.
It's a small show in a place called Playmakers in Fargo North Dakota.
The line up in small also, but good! From 4-6 Two local bands- The Warped Melon Blues Band, and Cold Front. (good friends of mine)
At 6:00-Reverend Raven and the Chain Smokin' Alter Boys With Madison Slim on the harp.
8:00-Eddie Shaw and the Wolfgang. (these guys were back up band for Howlin' Wolf)
And at 10:00 until ?- Canned Heat! And we all know who they are!
I am very much looking forward to going, and I know without a doubt, I will be dancing the night away!
Peace, Rustic