The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56148   Message #877036
Posted By: Bobert
28-Jan-03 - 06:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mass Graves
Subject: RE: BS: Mass Graves
Well, GUEST, you know that I never met a conspiracy theory that I didn't like and, yeah, I've had strong suspicions about our government's role in Sept.11. I'm not convinced that they took an active role but a passive one. There are just too many folks of the ruling class whose interests have been served so well since Sept. 11 that it is hard to dismiss complicity.

But now, in the words of Ho Che Mihn, "He who fights and runs a way, lives to fight another day."

Standing in front of a camera accusing the government is a good way to end up not being able to fight the next fight. So I'm not expecting Don to that.

This is where the intellegent person askes him or herself, "How can I best serve the cause?" and there are as many answers to that question as there are folks asking.

Buying guns has been your pat answer in the past and I'm surprised you haven't dusted that one off but glad that you haven't. The governemnt allready knows that there is at least one gun in circulation for every civilian man, woman and child so buying more won't do a danged thing except make the gun corporations richer.

I'm suggesting here that folks do what they *can*. Nothing more and nothing less. It doesn't matter. Just do what you can. That's what I do and also try to squeeze making and living and enjoying life along the way. There is more to life than the fight.

