The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56148   Message #877109
Posted By: Don Firth
28-Jan-03 - 08:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mass Graves
Subject: RE: BS: Mass Graves
But, GUEST, I already do. Reread what I wrote in my post of 27 Jan 03 - 05:12 PM. And no, this forum is not all that I read. I read other stuff on the internet including various newspaper websites, both domestic and foreign (giving me a wider perspective), and I average a couple of books a week, mostly non-fiction. I also write: I'm working on one major project (a book), plus I write a regular bi-monthly column for a local folk music magazine, and politically, I nag the be-jesus out of various politicians and other folk with letters and e-mails. I mouth off a lot in organization meetings, and on one occasion, I got the city engineers to put in a couple of curb-ramps for people in wheelchairs. Since I am one, standing up on my hind legs can be only a figure of speech. I think I do quite a bit, actually.

One thing I don't do is rant on about all kinds of conspiracies that I might suspect, but can't prove. I try to be firm but moderate in my tone so that the recipients of my various screeds and speeches don't dismiss me as some kind of a nut. I've also discovered that accusing people of being nothing but sheep is not the optimum way to get them to listen to me.

Don Firth