The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56148   Message #877175
Posted By: GUEST
28-Jan-03 - 09:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mass Graves
Subject: RE: BS: Mass Graves
I do what I can. The only lawsuit being allowed to go forward is that of the survivors families. The government would kill them if it could, but instead they'll just tie them up in court until it's all academic anyway.

Conspiracies...god you people are fearful. Fearful of the government, fearful of being 'traced' for speaking your minds, fearful of being labeled 'conspiracy theorist'.

But did it occur to any of you that the govt's version of Sept 11...that a handful of Arab cowboys outwitted the largest spy network in the world...THAT version of events involves a conspiracy on the part of the hijackers? And 'we didn't expect it', the govt tells you, even after they TRAINED the pilots at Pensacola Naval Air Station.

For years now you have been trained to connect the word 'conspiracy' with 'theory'. Conspiracies are not theories. You've been brainwashed to believe 19 morons carried out Sept 11 as part of a plan...well, since they are supposed to have kept that plan secret, wouldn't that make it a conspiracy? it just my THEORY that the planes hit the buildings?

Five of the hijackers were pulled aside for random checks before boarding on Sept. 11. Known associates of bin Laden in the country on violated visas, and their names were temporarily out of the FBI database.

And now you're wetting yourselves and counting on FEMA to save you when the bogeymen strike again. 'We never EXPECTED the WTC towers to be hit' FEMA tells you, but look at this:

You are running into the arms of the terrorists. FEMA just finished 3 million new beds to add to America's system of concentration camps. They're sending your children out of the country to be slaughtered and burned, and when the CIA releases smallpox here there will be deadly riots, and when the rioting dies down, foreign troops will move in to either 1) kill you if you have no value as slave labor, or 2) relocate you to a camp where you can make plastic American flags to keep your morale up.