The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56233   Message #878384
Posted By: GUEST,Taliesn
30-Jan-03 - 09:04 AM
Thread Name: BS: Good Things About G. Bush
Subject: RE: BS: Good Things About G. Bush
My God, I read thorugh this entire thread a "no one" mentioned
on of the most important "good thing" about Bush's character in the land where "character matters".

Namely that he's a "recovering" alcoholic and cocaine abuser.
I mean he says he had his "conversion" when he was 40 which means he was still partying it up during the Decadent 80's while daddy was Reagan's vice pres so there was this "get-outta-jail-free" card always in his back pocket even while he was a "failed" business man.
True ,so was Harry S, Truman ,but then Harry S, Truman didn't have Daddy Bush's "golden spoon" connections. Which is the better measure of character then?
Conclusion: Dubya is "no" Harry S. Truman.