The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56271   Message #878733
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
30-Jan-03 - 07:50 PM
Thread Name: PEL's: News Blackout!
Subject: RE: PEL's: News Blackout!
The things they will do to keep us out of the papers. Start a war even...

I hope other people have written to Tim Cummings who wrote that Guardian article on Tuesday congratulating him and telling him you hope the Guardian will keep covering the story - at

National papers have funny ideas about what is and what isn't news. Sometimes people up the top get a bee in their bonnet, and reporters are told to chase up stories about it. Other times it's reporters who get the bee in their bonnet and recognise that an issue could be worked up into a running story.

It's a lot easier to get things into local papers, where there isn't so much news around. And if stories keep on cropping up in local papers, that can be a lever for the nationals to get interested.

Even when letters don't get published they are part of the process of getting papers to start to see an issue as newsworthy. It's important to write and keep writing. After all, it's no harder than posting to a thread here to email a letter to a local or national paper.