The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56183   Message #878752
Posted By: Bobert
30-Jan-03 - 08:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: important editorial in Wash Post
Subject: RE: BS: important editorial in Wash Post
Though Americans, and others, spend much time with the interpretations of the Constitution we do need to occasionally look allow ourselves to zoom in on the historical perspective of the times in which it was penned.

The Founding Fathers probably thought that they were not being vague at all but as society becomes more complex the document does show its age.

Now I don't want to get anything started here but the 2nd Ammendment is a good example. If the Founding Fathers envisioned what would come from this ammendment, i.e. handguns and assualt weapons in the hands of so many violent people, they certainly would have added some language to protect futire generations. Actually, the gun rights folks never like to mesh the first part of the ammmendemnt which refers to a standing militia which if taken with the gun ownership does give us a glimpse of the intent. But there it is and now we have a very dangerous society that leads the western world in homocide.

As for religion, had there been Islamics, Hindus, Buddist in the colonies in small minorities, the wording would most likely be different. The wording can be traced to the break with the Anglican Church thru Protestantizm and the FDounding Fathers had no idea t5hat one day the American society would be such diverse.

I mean, these were folks that owned slaves.

I'm happy that our citizenry has allowed the document to evolve way beyond the founders intent thru loose constrution but it does scare me when a group gets together and wants it interpreted strickly becuase it just cannot perform at that level, especially when trying to apply the Bill of Rights to today's world. Where I would make an exception is the 1st Ammendment and the 5th Ammendment, which are not dated and apply as much today as they did when penned.
