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Thread #55999   Message #878839
Posted By: Troll
30-Jan-03 - 11:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: US & British war plans blocked
Subject: RE: BS: US & British war plans blocked
Bobert, your reaction to my little challange was about what I expected.
Regarding NK and it's dramatic repudiation of the non-proliferation treaty, They also announced that they had been working on a nuclear program since 1994 when they signed the agreement that Jimmy Carter brokered. Basically, they had the rest of the Clinton administration to work on their nuclear program in peace while your taxes and mine supplied them with oil for fuel.
When Bush made his "Axis of Evil" speech the administration most likely had some idea of what was going on. It took Kim Jung-Il to repudiate the treaty. In the meantime, he had admitted to the world that his country was working on nukes.
You can blame Bush if you want to for his speech. So far events are proving him right.
Diesel, thanks for the comeback.
Regarding intelligence concerning Iraq's WMD's. We may know that they have them but not know where they are. You don't get some shady character meeting you in a dark alley saying "Come! I have seen them! I will show you where they are hidden."
That only happens in the movies and Grade B ones at that.
You piece things together; a bit here, a bit there until a coherent picture begins to emerge. I saw a news report that said that the Iraqi scientists are refusing to talk to the inspectors unless an Iraqi official is present. I also heard on a radio report that word had gotten out that Iraqi scientists had been sent official Death Certificates.
To me, the implication is clear, talk and you are dead.
This all makes intelligence gathering difficult. In this weeks Time magazine there was mention of tons of biological and chemical agents that were discovered after the 1st Gulf War. They were s supposed to be destroyed by the Iraqis but the inspectors have been able to find no record of their destruction. Among the things mentioned were Anthrax, Sarin Gas and VX Gas, all very nasty stuff. So we have intelligence that the stuff is there, but we don't know where it is.
I repeat, just because we have intelligence of the weapons existance, it doesn't follow that we know its whereabouts.


***BTW I can't quote chapter and verse on the Time article because I dropped it off at the Hospital when I was through with it. It shouldn't be too hard to verify though. Time Magazine is a fairly common publication.***