The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56285   Message #878998
Posted By: Keith A of Hertford
31-Jan-03 - 07:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: OK, England does have 1 fault
Subject: BS: OK, England has 1 fault
Well, just the Home Counties really. (I'm still smarting from being called in a recent thread, a sanctimonious home counties know all. Ouch!)
You see, early last evening it snowed. Only for a couple of hours. Barely an inch or so.
There followed a clear night and today is fine and sunny.
London was paralysed for hours. All our schools and many businesses are closed. Eighteen hours later hundreds of people are still stranded in their cars.
What the Spanish Armada, Hitler's Luftwaffer and the IRA could never do, a few flakes of snow in January does every time.
Oh the hard times of old England.