The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56299   Message #879292
Posted By: GUEST
31-Jan-03 - 02:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Did the FBI bomb the WTC in '93?
Subject: RE: BS: Did the FBI bomb the WTC in '93?
Hood's soldiers fought like there was no tomorrow. It's the way you should be fighting now, Kim C. No string of mistakes led from the '93 WTC bombing being supervised by the FBI to the Murrah Building bombing to Sept 11 and now to our government PROMISING us we will be nuked and contaminated. All this has been done in order to put a police-state framework in place...legally, on paper.

Well, now we have our police state on paper, and all that has to be done to make it real is for GWBush or one of his designees to say the 'threat' of a bioattack has occurred. After that, all American airports will be closed, all radio and TV will be taken over by FEMA, all roads leading out of cities will be blocked. You will be told to sit still until help arrives, then in 4 days the food riots will begin. A couple of cops will get shot in some city, and according to the edicts of martial law, no one in that city will be issued food until the guns are confiscated (it'll be too dangerous for the 'peacekeepers' to distribute food if there are guns out there). More riots, killing, etc...then eventually the mop-up crews will kill survivors or route them to prison camps as slave labor.

But all this is unnecessary. Just speak out against it, and it will go away. Like turning on a light switch to make the roaches run for the shadows. Your 'government' is nothing but a collection of multi-national corporations now, and your freedoms, rights and liberties cannot be tolerated any longer. You'd better do something about that.

And a good place to start, in case you really AREN'T aware of how this takeover began, is with the '93 bombing. The FBI did it. Why?