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Thread #56300   Message #879484
Posted By: Little Hawk
31-Jan-03 - 05:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: UFO's and the Bible
Subject: RE: BS: UFO's and the Bible
Yeah, talk about your sceptics, eh? I've met any number of traveling space aliens who absolutely REFUSE...I mean refuse even consider the existence of something as unlikely (in their opinion) as the Bible. They laugh, they give you pitying looks, they dismiss the idea entirely.

I actually presented one of them with a real physical Bible, just to see what he would do. Well, he picked it up, looked at it scornfully, and riffled through the pages a bit. He then put it down contemptuously and said:

"These things can easily be faked, you know. A kid could come up with one as good as this, I bet. I've seen better fake bibles in that pathetic rag 'News of the Universe', and they printed an article the other day about Osama Bin Laden having a secret base on one of Jupiter's moons! Bible indeed! What a crock! I just don't get how an apparently rational being like yourself can countenance such absolute rubbish. Only a total Earth Cadet could come up with something this stupid!"

I told him to go screw himself with felicitous abandon.

- LH