The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11680   Message #87964
Posted By: Rick Fielding
19-Jun-99 - 02:52 PM
Thread Name: Brief Mudcat Biographies.
Subject: Brief Mudcat Biographies.
click for releated thread

After reading a suggestion in another thread, I thought this might be a useful idea. I often check back several months (and sometimes a couple of years) to see where a Mudcatter is "coming from" regarding a current posting.

I realize that anonymity is probably important to a number of folks, and so naturally this thread need not apply to them, and certainly many of us are in the habit of revealing far too much about ourselves.(even in threads about "string tension" and "tipple tunings") So if any Catters are interested in giving a brief biography of themselves, as a reference point for others in the future, this might be the place for it.

P.S. (or B.S)
I'm not trying to annoy the "music only" catters with this, so I hope if anyone thinks this is a "useless thread", they'll just ignore it.
