The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56299   Message #879644
Posted By: Bobert
31-Jan-03 - 08:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Did the FBI bomb the WTC in '93?
Subject: RE: BS: Did the FBI bomb the WTC in '93?
Well, danged! I like GUEST! There, it's out...

Now, GUEST may not hit every time he fires one of his conspiracy theories up but, hey, many are thought provoking. I might have mentioned a few dozen times over the last 14 months that Iz been hangin' 'round the Catbox that not only do I not trust the government but I also like a conspiracy theory as much as the next nut.

With that said,like anything is possible. Just consider the folks who have been assasinated during the last 40 years in the US. Malcolm X who as a Muslim spoke of white and black people living togetehr as equals. Like Bobby Kennedy, who was doing the same. Like Mertin Luther King, Jr. All voices of moving beyond racism. All killed bgy folks who just didn't quite have legit motives. Hmmmmm? Oh sure, the governemnt has motives for all of them but when you think about it, none of these folks were killed by idealogists with extreme philosophies. This makes me very paranoid of the governemnt. I will go to my grave beleiving that the governemnt killed all three.

Now lets look at the other side. You know, the bigots, the racists, the war mongers. Like, why aren't these folks assasinated? You got Grand Wizzards and an asoortment of other rednecks who can say and o what they want and they die of natural causes. Okay, Ronnie took a bullet but from whom? A nut. Not a CIA/FBI deal there or Ronnie would have been killed. That's one thing about the governemnt. When they want your butt dead, they don't mess around...

Now with the rant over, I don't think the FBI was in on the WTC bombing in '93 becasue it was botched so badly.

Like I say, when these folks do a job, they do it right.
