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Thread #56299   Message #879650
Posted By: GUEST
31-Jan-03 - 08:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Did the FBI bomb the WTC in '93?
Subject: RE: BS: Did the FBI bomb the WTC in '93?
Let's see...about ten bulletin boards/forums. That's what I keep bookmarked, and as I get blocked or after I make my major points, I move on...start on another board. Fast typing, no re-writing, little real-time research for URLs, and bookmarking threads makes it a fast business. Fast computers, too. I'm quick to type out my thoughts, so it takes less time than it might seem. I need to work up some broadside-type postings though, with URLs included, to cut down on the quibbling from incredulous people.

The problem with the Mudcat forum is, if a thread isn't posted to, it's prioritized down the list and out of sight pretty quickly. So I have to keep re-visiting to post something so you folks will have more time to see the thread. It IS important to me that you see this stuff...I'm not pulling your chains...and after I hit the high points I'll move on.

Mainly I just want people to know there is an alternate and valid view of current events. All through history governments have attacked their own people in order to unify them against a fabricated 'outside threat'. Only now, we're getting down to the endgame. Just a couple more attacks and consolidations, and we're going to have a unified tyrannical world government. I look just as hard for evidence to DISprove this as I look for evidence to substantiate it, but the more I read the more I see the same names crop up...old-money names connected with terrorism, arms sales, banking, etc.

Another thing I do is, when I surprise myself and present a well-though-out idea that might be of use to the public, I copy and paste it into an email to editorial writers. They reach thousands at a time, so it's a better use of my time than writing letters to the editor. In my opinion.

Yeah, I've been spending a lot of time here, and I know it's a music forum, but we're all people too, and we're about to be fed upon by a bunch of vampires. Seriously, the decadent old royal families of Europe...jaded from centuries of having it all...are the basis for vampire legends. The 'count' in the castle on the hill. And these same perverts are major shareholders in the New World Order and are about to reach a point where they no longer have to hide their despicable activities. We will be disarmed and imprisoned, and if they want to skin you alive after that, what will stop them? So I just think people should know about these things.

Total typing time: 7 minutes +/-