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Thread #56300   Message #879787
Posted By: Little Hawk
01-Feb-03 - 12:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: UFO's and the Bible
Subject: RE: BS: UFO's and the Bible
Greg - It might be the part that disregards evidence not recognizable to the observer due to his rigid ways of observing and interpreting reality.

Example: A guy was trying to test the hearing of spiders. He would make a loud noise and see if the spider jumped. It did. He cut one of its legs off and made another loud noise. Again it jumped. He continued removing legs and making noises with similar results. At last the spider had no legs. No matter how loud a noise he made, it would not jump. Conclusion...spiders hear with their legs.

Impeccable logic, hindered by lack of perception. Now, I'm sure you've heard this trite little story before, but it's not intended to be taken literally. Rather, it demonstrates a point about the way people think when their awareness is limited to certain narrow paths of interpretation.

And whose awareness is not so limited?

Thus the most certain conclusions of one generation of scientists are frequently shown to be faulty by a succeeding generation...and people usually see exactly what they want to see...what their cultural norms have prepared them to see. If they don't believe in something, they usually don't see it either (or even realize they aren't seeing it).

Erik Von Daniken sees alien visitors behind every statue. Another guy sees ancient fertility cults. Another guy sees Atlantean colonies. And on, and on, and on....

- LH