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Thread #56299   Message #879791
Posted By: GUEST
01-Feb-03 - 01:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: Did the FBI bomb the WTC in '93?
Subject: RE: BS: Did the FBI bomb the WTC in '93?
(But Thomas...just don't read the stuff if it's distressing. I give my threads bombastic titles, to forewarn people, and anyway, a couple sentences in and you'll know it's me. So just avoid this stuff if it upsets you. I don't enjoy posting it, but it HAS to be done. Look at the two pieces below for an example of WHY I have to do this. The first concerns the OSI, which was such a public relations nightmare the Pentagon said it was disbanded a year ago. But it wasn't. Our new overlords just got arrogant for a moment and had to rub our faces in their supposed superiority. So a year ago the OSI was allegedly dissolved, but now we have this nonsense news about Iraqi agents coming into the U.S. to stir up anti-war rallies):

Millions always suspected it. Now reports from within a secret agency confirm that the U.S. government systematically plants disinformation in the mass media--to build support for itself and isolate those it wishes to destroy.

On February 19 (a year ago), the New York Times reported that the Pentagon's new Office of Strategic Influence (OSI) is "developing plans to provide news items, possibly even false ones, to foreign media organizations" in an effort "to influence public sentiment and policy makers in both friendly and unfriendly countries." The plan would include sending "tips" to reporters via email and other means.

WASHINGTON (today)-- Iraq sent spies from Canada to New York and Washington this month to snoop and stir up anti-war demonstrations, according to a government report obtained by the New York Daily News.

The Foreign Affairs Department wasn't commenting late yesterday on the report, which claims the Iraqi Embassy in Ottawa sent "operatives" over the border to "intensify spying activities and to carry out anti-U.S. demonstrations to stop a war against Iraq."

(I juxtapose these two stories to show how we're being manipulated. Because our overlords made us aware that Hussein's people are 'controlling' our anti-war protests, we will now be considered employees of and co-conspirators with Hussein if we engage in protests against the war. Even though the govt already TOLD us they were going to plant false stories, they'll point back to this one about the agitators and claim YOU are working for Hussein if you engage in ANY protest against the government's 'war effort'. And that will mean 'enemy combatant' status...torture, tribunal trial and a bullet in the head. Seriously. When martial law kicks in, you get no lawyer, no appeal, and curbside execution if 3 officers agree. But...any thinking person knows that Hussein is an idiot. He's confined to 4 cities in Iraq and he doesn't even control the airspace over 2/3's of his country. So how is he...with his stone-age grasp of international intrigue...going to reach out and send agents from Canada into your town to 'fan anti-war protests'? The only POSSIBLE reason for the government planting this story is to lay legal groundwork to claim YOU were working for Hussein if you protest the war, or the tax increase to pay for the war, etc. We are in DIRE STRAITS. The criminals responsible for the terrorism going on around the world right now are setting YOU up to answer for THEIR crimes. And I HAVE to point this out. I'll post this here, paste it somewhere else, and hopefully some more people will start to see what's going on. You'd be doing the same if you had studied this stuff the way I have over the past year and a half. Meanwhile, I'll confine these posts to the BS thread, which it's my understanding is what it's for. I'd put all this in rhyme to make it easier to digest if I could, but it's hard enough to just get the sentences out.)