The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56328   Message #880073
Posted By: GUEST
01-Feb-03 - 12:46 PM
Thread Name: Space Shuttle Crash?
Subject: RE: Space Shuttle Crash?
I feel sorry for the families of the lost, and for the dead.

But the first releases from the government-controlled media mentioned 'terrorism', 'Israeli', and 'tighter security'. So, since they brought it up, no surface to air missile could reach that high. And the only plane capable of reaching that height is the U.S. space plane Aurora. Last week Gary Hart (CFR member) said Dallas, Denver and Cleveland could expect to be hit. The U.S. postal service has been issuing potassium iodate to it's workers (protects the thyroid from uptake of radiation...# 1 cause of radiation death after an incident). Dallas is a postal hub. Did the shuttle contain any radioactive substances? And why did the White House start focusing our attention on 'dirty bombs' last week? And the 'tighter security'...bunch of multi-agency nametags milling around before lift-off is what I saw photos of...result of all our pooling the feds into a national Gestapo police force. So who would know who in a situation like that? And those national police now have carte blanche to assassinate 'as needed'.

IF this was terrorism...big IF...don't let the government tell you again it was a bunch of goat herders who think black-powder rifles are high technology, like they did with September 11.