The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56331   Message #880126
Posted By: Rick Fielding
01-Feb-03 - 02:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Things we liked about Clinton!
Subject: RE: Things we liked about Clinton!
Jeesus, what a waste! Getting a guy into that position who seemed to actually have intelligence (to go along with the pre-requisite ultra-ambition), a skill at music, a sense of history and a somewhat youthful take on life........and then...

He ALLOWED his opponents to shine an ugly spotlight on him for eight years, and consequently destroy any chance he had of fulfilling his vast potential.

Very sad....very disappointing......and all because of an over-active penis. Pardoning the drug dealers and fundraisers at the end, broke my heart, but by then I simply didn't care anymore.

What do you think the odds are that someone of his calibre will run for office again in our lifetimes? I think that the current occupant of the White House is probably the new gold standard....and Bill C. is surely responsible for him being there. What promise. Shame.

