The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55500   Message #880168
Posted By: clansfolk
01-Feb-03 - 02:54 PM
Thread Name: PELs: Exemptions?
Subject: RE: PELs: Exemptions?
...............??? QED - Scaremongering

Hi All

Many of you may be aware of the Government's proposed Licensing Bill which, if passed in its current form would be extremely detrimental to live music, in particular, it would outlaw the traditional music session, music teaching, rehearsals and fundraising events in any unlicensed premises, with a fine of up to £20,000 and possible imprisonment - It really is that ridiculous! It is very important that we all register our opposition to the bill. The following examples which have been forwarded on to me should illustrate some outrageous implications of the proposed Bill being passed, some of it is already happening:

As an example, if you put up a marquee in your garden for your daughter's wedding, and hire a band to play, you will be a criminal if you don't have a licence. The bandleader will be a criminal too. Both of you may go to jail, and gain a criminal record. Other soon to be illegal activities: Busking, Music Teaching, Selling musical instruments, Rehearsing, Hospital concerts, Fundraiser in the village hall, and much more. Many authorities enforce the current laws very zealously at present. A landlord has recently been fined a considerable amount for allowing four customers to sing Happy Birthday. Many other pub based folk clubs and sessions have been shut down. We must expect this over zealous interpretation to be applied to any new law, so it is very important that no ambiguity is there for the local authorities to exploit.

I have just received notification about the following and hope that in the first instance (if you read this before noon on the morning of 9 January) that you will contact your local councillor as soon as possible to encourage them to attend tomorrow's meeting regarding the bill and after that it would be ideal if each one of us could write letters to register our opposition to the bill. (Much more information below, please do read ).

Best wishes
