The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56299   Message #880587
Posted By: GUEST
02-Feb-03 - 09:53 AM
Thread Name: BS: Did the FBI bomb the WTC in '93?
Subject: RE: BS: Did the FBI bomb the WTC in '93?
Ah, but the truth is in the middle ground between the ultra-right and the ultra-left. Both are in peril in America right now, if they only stopped to analyze the situation. Connie Chung has broadcast that the Michigan Militia was training with al Qeada in the mid '80s in South America. So that link has been made...conservative/Christian/Republican/Constitutionalist = al Qeada. The historical backbone of American society is about to be attacked. Same for the ultra-left. (Michigan militia wasn't founded until 1994, I learned after reading Chung's deliberate false info was presented to the public).

Carol're preaching thought over action. Reminds me of the age-old debate about what makes a good Christian...deeds or intention. Prayer or action. Silence serves no useful purpose when you are under attack. At best it may only lull the aggressor into a false sense of security. But these aggressors now...they're playing for stakes that are too big. They have to be confronted NOW. With words now and bullets later, if need be. But if enough people spoke out, there wouldn't BE any need for bullets. Thanks for your concern, but I feel I'm helping to offer the world 'protection' by speaking out on what I consider to be fact. I sincerely believe our FBI tried to bring down the WTC in '93 and think anyone else analyzing the info would arrive at the same conclusion. How would keeping silent about that bring security to those around me?

Little Hawk...yeah, the parallels to Poland are striking. GWBush is the Hitler figure in the analogy. The rest of the world knows this, but Americans seem oblivious to it. I believe the old 'Rothschild Formula' is being manipulated...if you have a weak country, tell it a powerful neighbor is about to invade and sell weapons to the weaker of the two. Then, send in agents to provoke a war, and when the fighting starts, sell arms to BOTH sides. The Rothschilds used the formula through the 19th century in Europe and around the world, then the tradition was carried on by the global crime / banking syndicate in the twentieth century, and now it's being applied to create 'The U.S. versus the World'. The media keeps rattling on about America being 'the last superpower', but that's crap. We're weakening while Russia maintains and China grows. Hell, even North Korea is building nukes while we dismantle ours. And meanwhile, our President-Select is presenting the U.S. in the worst possible light to the rest of the world. Every single opportunity he gets, he presents us as crass, bullying, greedy, murderous, uncaring, etc. So the stage is being set where the rest of the world will forced to stop the 'rogue superpower'. Weapons will be sold at marked-up prices, bankers will make more money, then America will be taken down as the first 'benevolent' act of the new world government. Or so I believe.

Thomas...I read your post. It was thoughtful and I respect it. I thought I answered you in the two or three sentences I wrote that weren't presenting my new 'thesis'. You asked me to stop posting, and I tried to point out why I consider it important to make people aware of things they might not normally come across. Sorry I bug you.