The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56299   Message #880594
Posted By: GUEST
02-Feb-03 - 10:03 AM
Thread Name: BS: Did the FBI bomb the WTC in '93?
Subject: RE: BS: Did the FBI bomb the WTC in '93?

CHUNG: And what did they consist of? Were they people that are now identifiable or prospective terrorists?

JUNGER: He's identified them, including American right-wing extremists who are down there, who have been down there since the mid- '80s.

CHUNG: You mean Aryan Nations?

JUNGER: Yes, Aryan Nations, MICHIGAN MILITIA, photos and names of these guys. One was ex-special forces.

CHUNG: An ex-special forces?

JUNGER: Yes, Vietnam era.

That is not unheard of. There was an ex-special forces American soldier who was providing security for bin Laden in Sudan in '94, I believe it was. So, that kind of crossover from sort of alienated American military or right-wing extremists is not unheard of.

He has identified these men to me. The U.S. government, of course, is quite careful about what they confirm and don't confirm. So I haven't gotten anything back from this side. But there's an enormous amount of evidence that this activity is happening.

CHUNG: I guess the burning question -- and just in the last 15 seconds -- is: Do you know of any specific potential terrorist attack against the United States based on this Argentinian's information?

JUNGER: Well, a contact of his who was trained in these al Qaeda training camps says that he has been monitoring meetings they've had in the past month about attacks in the U.S. I've also had that confirmed from other intelligence sources. So, it really looks like something is happening down there.

CHUNG: So frightening.

Thank you.

JUNGER: Thank you.