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Thread #56300   Message #880795
Posted By: Penny S.
02-Feb-03 - 03:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: UFO's and the Bible
Subject: RE: BS: UFO's and the Bible
1. Gaining aerial views. Two weeks ago my class was sketching chairs. The children sat or lay on the floor. The chairs stood on the floor, and I made sure that they were usually not straight on to the chair. One boy produced an accurate plan view straight onof his chair. (Which, when I asked him to draw again, what he could see, he rubbed out!) There's a wood in Kent called Harp Wood, because it is harp shaped. No nearby high spot for a view from above. Humans can do the aerial view trick without going up there at all. Men tend to be better than women, apparently, but we can all do it with practice.
2. Discussion of recorded gods being aliens ignores continuing religious experiences in the absence of any aliens. This is something else available to humans who pray or meditate, or engage in group acts of worship. I'm not sure how general it is, as churches etc leave a lot of people cold. So cold that they don't get it in any sort of religion. But where it occurs, it doesn't need aliens. Bibles, etc, attempt to make sense of these experiences, and make them available to others.
3. Archaeology now reads very small bits of evidence - today I have seen microscopic iron beads used to show that Tudor armourers used welding techniques. Aliens working with our ancestors on major projects would have left something behind - paint spalls off their craft, lubricating oil, minor bones from alien food items, or odd seeds or pollen in waste matter. They would have had to be fantastically careful not to leave anything. Attempts to remove traces would have left their own remains. No-one's reported anything that could be interpreted that way. And someone would have done just that, if there were anything to be reported.
