The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56343 Message #880965
Posted By: harvey andrews
02-Feb-03 - 07:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Criminal Mind At Work
Subject: RE: BS: The Criminal Mind At Work
Hope he fries nicely.
Amos.All that work on those wonderful songs about the best of humanity and you hope a fellow human being fries? You hope it because he was a murdering rapist.So for you cold blooded murder is then okay. Others would gas them because they're Jews, fly planes into them because they're Americans, stab them because they're black, beat them to death because they're crying children....or kill them because they wouldn't consent to sex. Who draws the line on the acceptability of murder? The fact that Europe has done away with state murder seems to me and many others like one of its great strengths. The debate on length of sentence is another matter. I suppose it's the old two wrongs make a right my friend?