The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56343 Message #881005
Posted By: Amos
02-Feb-03 - 09:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Criminal Mind At Work
Subject: RE: BS: The Criminal Mind At Work
Ya know, I do not really want to see anyone fry, generally speaking. I abhor the notion that killing someone resoves his criminality or even that it somehow balances things. I was venting because the notion of his doing those things makes me blind angry .
But I do get this little surge of bitterness when I think of some young woman losing first her security, then her last shred of womanly dignity, and finally her last breath to this guy and it kinda makes me think I should make an exception in his case. Not state-sponsored. Just a vengeful moment of anger. We are desperate for better solutions when our feelings are outraged and assaulted by this kind of story. The guy was plainly death-bent, and ready to take others with him. You can understand how mobs get started.