The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56299   Message #881015
Posted By: Bee-dubya-ell
02-Feb-03 - 09:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Did the FBI bomb the WTC in '93?
Subject: RE: BS: Did the FBI bomb the WTC in '93?
Yo, GUEST. If you really want to get your message across to people - if you really want them to take a look at the sources you've listed - you need to learn how to do clickable links. I, for one, don't cut and paste URL's unless it's something that I know for a fact I want to see. If you would post clickable links I might click on one or two just for the hell of it. Otherwise you're wasting your supposedly remarkable typing skills. I know it's sorta petty, but you're the one wanting me to look at something. You should make it as easy as possible for me to do it. Anyway, Max et al have made it so easy to make links in this forum now that it's just common courtesy.
