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Thread #56299   Message #881561
Posted By: Jack the Sailor
03-Feb-03 - 02:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: Did the FBI bomb the WTC in '93?
Subject: RE: BS: Did the FBI bomb the WTC in '93?
From: Teribus - PM
Date: 03 Feb 03 - 11:08 AM

In answer to the question posed in the title - No the FBI did not bomb the World Trade Centre in 1993.

CarolC - Your link re: Centre for Cooperative Research, serves as a good plot source for writers of fiction and an excellent school for spin doctors. Take any topic that they "comprehensively" cover and you will find the majority of points supposedly presented as facts are actually subjective opinion. The remained are generalisations based on comments taken out of their original context.

In short, what is presented by the Centre for Cooperative Research amounts to nothing more than hysterical crap.

Here's what the author of the timeline has to say.

"I don't know exactly what happened on 9/11. I have my theories and hunches, but it's an extremely complicated plot, and there are a number of plausible explanations for part or all of the story's aspects. Also, I don't want to force my ideas down your throat. I'm using the timeline to draw attention to interesting stories that you may not have read. I have tried to let the stories speak for themselves, and reduce my voice as much as possible. When I do add my own comments, they are usually at the end of a summary and in italics. Plus they are almost always phrased as a question. I hope you come to your own conclusions."

He describes specific incidents then references a story in a main stream media source so that you can read it for yourself.

Hysterical crap indeed. The tone of the site is not hysterical at all.
Criticizing a source you haven't taken the trouble to examine is dismissive crap.
So it seems that you are one who is not above slinging some "crap" yourself.

All that being said.
It may be wise to realize that as compelling as it seems, these events described on the site are cherry picked from tens of thousands of news items and events. It would be easy for the author to omit things which would tend to alter his pattern.

Though the individual reports have merit when they stand alone, we should try to keep a healthly skepticism about their overall meaning.