The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56343   Message #881574
Posted By: harvey andrews
03-Feb-03 - 02:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Criminal Mind At Work
Subject: RE: BS: The Criminal Mind At Work
Harvey: There would be no pleasure in killing the guy. However, there would be a great deal of relief in knowing that he wasn't free to rape and murder any more women. Please remember that not only did he rape and murder her, he took pleasure in doing so, and was proud of having done it.

Harvey, being a Jew/black/child is not a crime, nor does being one brutalise and kill other people. Please don't be ridiculous.

Yes, locking up for life means he is not free to do it again and can be released if subsequently found innocent.
I am not being ridiculous in pointing out that many people have justified killing in cold blood.You have just done the same. For you it is allright to strap a human being down and electrocute them or whatever at the behest of the state. That's what the guards in Buchenwald did with gas. The state said it was okay, so they did it and felt it was justified. That's what the hijackers of the planes did to the Trade Centre. They felt completely justified. In their terms they killed only criminals too.
There is just too much killing, and in a country as strongly Christain as America I find the fact that a President who constantly spouts Biblical text authorises state sponsored death massively hypocritical.
Myra Hindley died in jail. Neither I nor anyone else I know regrets that for a moment. But I am glad that as a citizen of this country I don;t have her blood on my hands as she had the blood of those tortured children
Again, two wrongs don't make a right.