The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56343   Message #881861
Posted By: Gareth
03-Feb-03 - 07:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Criminal Mind At Work
Subject: RE: BS: The Criminal Mind At Work
On a lighter note ! - And this is a true story - culled from the files of the Cornhill Insurance.

Picture the scene - The High St in Reading, and a shop with a plate glass window. Down the road comes yer typical thicko, wearing his 'Doc Martins'.

Yeah ! he finks, let's kick this window in. The plate glass shatters. Down come a large, heavy, and sharp bit of glass.

First time out of Pantomine that Thames Valley Police played Prince Charming " Is this your 'Doc Martin' and foot Sir ???"

Now some of the more sensative of Mudcatters may think that I am callus - Well perhaps I am, but the moral is :-

If you persue a course of action, you must be prepared to acept the consequences of such actions !" or translated into Sarf Lundon criminal vernacular - " If you can't do the time, don't do the crime "
