The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56395   Message #881863
Posted By: Bobert
03-Feb-03 - 07:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: GUEST/Teribus Conspiracy Theory Sniffed
Subject: RE: BS: GUEST/Teribus Conspiracy Theory Sniffed
True, GUEST, Claymore. I am indeed humbled to find that I had latched onto a bit of misinformation and will make no excuses for this error other than to try not to repeat it. But the story certainly was not flattering to the Bush administration who were doing everything within their powers to keep the story from surfacing while Congress was debating on the Respltion to attack Iraq. Pretty damning, but if this is Claymore, and not GUEST, claymore, I respect the *new* tone of your posts since no one got called a "bag of puss".

GUEST, Chairman Meeeoww. Nice site and a clue but not large enough for me to get anywhere with it. I don't see you as that illustrator. To much sense of humor.

And GUEST, guess. Other than the Mandela thread, my theoriy holds true. Maybe you did a mental switchero because of the moon's position.

Meanwhile back at the ranch... dum dee dumm dumm, where's T? Hmmmmm?

See what I mean GUEST? Like if you let Teezer out then you have to kill T and in doing so, well....... oh, that would be bad....

Bobert, Slobert, Columbert

p.s. Guest, claymore. "sniff" is the correct word. Gotta start somewhere...