The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56395   Message #881937
Posted By: GUEST
03-Feb-03 - 08:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: GUEST/Teribus Conspiracy Theory Sniffed
Subject: RE: BS: GUEST/Teribus Conspiracy Theory Sniffed
Am I the one y'all are talking about? I posted as Sparrownoid and such a couple of times, otherwise I just don't bother. I'm the one PICKING MY WAY OUT OF RADIOACTIVE BOMB DEBRIS IN TEXAS! If it's REALLY important to you folks that I have a handle, I can register and all that stuff I guess. I know that the forum administrators could track and trace me easily enough even if the new American Gestapo DIDN'T put thumbscrews on their asses (and if they have thumbs on their asses then they're concerned with a whole different set of issues), so secrecy isn't a big deal to me. We're all scheduled to go to the concentration camps anyway. I'll grub up a handle if it'll make y'all happy, though I honestly don't see the point. A post is a post. You don't like it, move on.