The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45175   Message #882090
Posted By: Bob Bolton
04-Feb-03 - 05:47 AM
Thread Name: Source of melody: Lady Franklin's Lament?
Subject: RE: Source of melody:Lady Franklin's Lament?
G'day rich-joy,

Yes - I guess the 'mirror image was irresitible ... and I understand The Convict Maid was hawked as a broadside ... and a lot of displaced Irish hawked broadsides in London!

Somewhat later (Mayhew's 1850 book) Mayhew says the most common tune ... then ... for hawking song sheets was Youghal Harbour - the tune we use here for Moreton Bay ... and the Irish used for Boulavogue.

BTW: There is a strong belief that The Convict Maid was deliberate propaganda by the British government - becoming alarmed at the poor people deciding that a mild crime and a short sentence to Australia as a convict could lead to a far better life than on the streets of London. This was supposed to persuade them otherwise!

I'm reminded of the late Douglas Adams's reaction, as he sat looking at a Queensland beach, to learning that Moreton Bay was "a convict settlement of second sentence ... for hardened convicts who committed a second offence while in Australia" ... he reckoned this explained the quiet smile that Australians have when dealing with the English!


Bob Bolton