The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55428   Message #882096
Posted By: Dave Bryant
04-Feb-03 - 06:07 AM
Thread Name: Recitations Anyone?
Subject: RE: Recitations Anyone?
I've been looking for a poem called the "Oily Rigs" by the late Bob Roberts who was the skipper of "Cambria", which was about the last sailing barge to continue trading. I started a thread and it's in the unanswered requests. It's a humourous poem about how an offshore drilling rig goes so far down that it floods Hell. I can remember the following fragments from the end of it.

....and the last of the sea goin' glug, glug, glug,
Down this bloody great hole we'd made.

......and there was the face of the devil himself,
Saying, "What's the bloody game ?".

"You've put out all my furnaces
- you'd make an angel sob,
- I'll never get Hell hot again
- I've lost my bleedin' job !"

So we done some good with our Oily Rig
'Coz we doused Hell in a flurry
So now when you die there's only Heaven
So there ain't no need to worry.