The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52997   Message #882150
Posted By: InOBU
04-Feb-03 - 08:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: the BEST!!! Nigerian scam letter yet!
Subject: RE: BS: the BEST!!! Nigerian scam letter yet!
In a collection, these do become folk art, don't they? Larry

Date: 2/3/03 9:26:48 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: (dudu ddd)

Dear Sir
I know this will reach you as a surprise, but need not
to worry as we are using the only secured and
confidential medium available to seek for foreign
assistance/partnership in a business transaction which
is of mutual benefit.A foreign, late Engineer Johnson
Creek, an oil merchant/contractor with the federal
Government of Nigeria, until his death three years ago
in a ghastly air crash, banked with us here at Union
Bank plc., Lagos and had a closing balance of
$USD18.5M (Eighteen Million, Five Hundred Thousand
United States Dollars) which the bank now
unquestionable expects to be claimed by any of his
available foreign next of kin or alternative be
donated to a trust fund of the WEST AFRICAN
PEACEKEEPING FORCE (ECOMOG).Fervent valuable efforts
are being made by the union Bank to get in touch with
any of the creek family or relatives but all have
proved abortive. It is because of the perceived
possibility of not going to be able to locate any of
late Engr. Johnson Creek & #8217;s next of kin (as he
had no known wife and children) that the management
under the influence of our chairman board of
directors, retired Major General Kalu Uke Kalu, that
an arrangement for the fund to be declared
"UNCLIMABLE" and then be subsequently donated to the
trust fund for arms and ammunition which will further
enhance the course of war in the West African
sub-region and the world in general.In order to avert
this negative development, myself and some of my
trusted colleagues in the bank now seek for your
permission to have you stand as late Engr. Johnson
Creek & #8217;s next of kin so that the fund, $18.5M
would be subsequently transferred and paid into your
bank account as the beneficiary next of kin. All
documents and proves to enable you get this fund have
been carefully worked out and we are assuring you a
100 percent risk free involvement. Your share would be
30 per cent of the total amount 10 percent has been
set aside for expenses while the rest would be for
myself and my colleagues for investment purposes in
your country. Though we are trying to make a better
future for ourselves and our families, considering the
poor standard of living in Africa, we also want you to
see this proposal as our own contribution in putting
an end to the senseless wars in the West African
sub-region.If this proposal is OK. by you and you do
wish to take advantage of the trust we hope to bestow
on you and your company, kindly get to me immediately
via my email furnishing me with your most confidential
telephone number, fax number and exclusive e-mail
number so that I can forward to you the relevant
details of this transaction.Thank you in advance for
your anticipated co-operation.Regards,Mr.Razaq
obaroUnion Bank plcN:B Please, for confidential
reason, I would like you to send me email reply to
razaq obaro only.