The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55674   Message #882430
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
04-Feb-03 - 01:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Every Wonder?
Subject: RE: BS: Every Wonder?
Indians call themselves Indians, Daylia. It's expedient, and they recognize the usefulness of it. I have Indians in my family who call themselves Indians. The link I posted back to the other thread was simply to take readers to the remarks posted there by Ward Churchill about Ruth Beebe Hill and the novel that so many people fell for back when it was first published. It's like that Chief Seattle Speech. It was a hoax intended to deceive. All of this stuff you're reporting in defense of Indians, against the song, against Euramerican interpretations of Indians present and past--it's nonsensical.


There is a great deal more to this essay. I posted the part most germane to this discussion. Find the rest in various places, including here. As you can see from this, it's a complicated issue, and there are opportunistic Indians who have played a role in leading along gullible individuals just as there are opportunistic non-Indians participating. One hopes these same individuals who bought the novel Hanta Yo would have been just as interested to have learned the truth, were it presented. It is my opinion that many well-meaning people have simply never had a chance to get past the gloss of Madison Avenue, the high-dollar publishers, and the hucksters to see what life is really like in Indian Country today.