The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56300   Message #882459
Posted By: Little Hawk
04-Feb-03 - 02:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: UFO's and the Bible
Subject: RE: BS: UFO's and the Bible
Clinton - You use the term "credible sources". Those could be:

For a loyal Nazi in 1944 - Hitler, Goebbels, and the official government line.

For a loyal Republican in 1956 - Joe McCarthy

For a loyal Japanese in 1944 - the Emperor and his commanding officer.

For a loyal British soldier in 1776 - The British Crown.

For a loyal Al-Queda soldier - Osama Bin Laden

For the little old lady across the street who plays Bingo daily and knows practically nothing about anything - The Weekly World News

For Clinton Hammond - anyone in an official position in government or science or the press or whatever who already doesn't believe in extraterrestrial visitors to this planet.

For someone who has actually seen those visitors or their craft - anyone who does believe in them and has some kind of personal anecdotal or reasonably well documented information to support that belief, and who appears to be normal and trustworthy.

Follow me?

Your use of the term "credible" is arbitrary.

Your beliefs are based on prejudice, not experience. Mine are based on an actual experience, which you don't know anything about and are in no position to cast judgement upon. None whatsoever. I know that like most people you are fond of your own version of reality, and will defend it...but belief in the non-existence of something that someone else has actually seen and you have not strikes the someone who has actually seen it as very say the least.

It's a form of wishful thinking on your part, because you like reality to remain the way you already think it is, and no exceptions to that. It's the willful maintenance of conventional ignorance as a function of habit.

You say you are prepared to change your opinion in the light of new evidence. I don't think that's really true, unless that evidence were to come from certain specific sources...the official ones at the top. If it is already the case that those official sources, for their own vital reasons, are deliberately suppressing and debunking all such evidence, then that is not going to happen. That's convenient for you, Clinton, because it means you will never have to shift off dead center till hell freezes over or the system as we know it collapses around us. You're a good, loyal soldier, Clinton, who can be depended upon to echo the party line. That's my opinion.

The party is generally in the business of lying to the people while it pursues its own private agendas. Those agendas are at the expense of humanity and in suppression of the truth about a great many things, not just UFO's.

- LH