The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56398   Message #882615
Posted By: John Hardly
04-Feb-03 - 05:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat Presidential Nominations
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Presidential Nominations
I nominate anyone who would pledge not to:

1. Walk around from behind the podium during presidential debates. (Clinton was and is the only person who could pull it off naturally. For all others it not only looks silly, it is offensively patronizing)

2. Express his wish to be president in order to save; the next generation, the children of tomorrow, the hope of....... -you get the idea.

3. Use the phrase, "the American people want..."

4. Give a "Speech" every time he talks. I swear this is a large portion of Bush's speech problem. He has it in his head that everything that tumbles from his mouth must be profound. Nobody is profound with every word. He even less so.

...and pledge to:

1. Live within the Constitutionally defined limits of the office (What? you mean they DO take that pledge?!)

2. Point out to the American people on a regular basis that he is not a KING and that Constitutionally and popularly the American people kinda don't WANT a king.

3. Make "Reality Shows" and "Star Search/American Idol" illegal. (for this I would ignore the previous pledge)

4. Have bluegrass played at the inagural ball.

5. ...and you know that kinda singing where the young emulate that Whitney Houston/Maria Carey warble wherein they don't ever resolve in a single note when eleventy-seven will do? He should make that the sole crime that calls for capital punishment.

just a few platform suggestions.