The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55674   Message #882621
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
04-Feb-03 - 05:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: Every Wonder?
Subject: RE: BS: Every Wonder?
Sorry, Daylia, but I have a master's degree in English specializing in American Indian Literature, and am near finishing a second master's in philosophy. I've given this topic a lot of thought for many years now, and read many books and essays on the subjects of American Indian literature, spirituality, and cultures. When you are confronted with sound reasoning, with complaints lodged against the work by the very people it is supposed to represent, and by similar observations from other list members, you continue to press forward with no new information, no support for your argument. It's like using the word in the definition--it just doesn't get you anywhere, and an evaluation of the book as "trash" is quite a valid one. It wasn't leveled at a person, but an object, in this case, an object that was (to borrow from Carl Sandburg) "a great waste of paper." I'm sorry you have spent so much time and energy with this single text, and have developed an entire make-believe world about Indians as a result. You're not alone in that mistake.

The only one you're hurling insults at on this thread is the one who has offered up citations and literary criticism as part of a frank intellectual debate regarding this text you've quoted several times here at Mudcat.

"The lady doth protest too much, methinks."

- Shakespeare, Hamlet

Perhaps next you'd like to argue about the wisdom of spending this much time in graduate school in what is essentially the expensive hobby of collecting degrees.