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Thread #56300   Message #882852
Posted By: GUEST
05-Feb-03 - 01:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: UFO's and the Bible
Subject: RE: BS: UFO's and the Bible
Yeah, there was quite a dispute over the Nazi brain-trust after WW2. The Americans got most of the doctors in exchange for giving the Russians most of the territory. And the Russians continued to use THEIR Nazi personnel as bureaucrats in East Germany after the war. That's why the Germans hate Americans. Especially East Germans. We left them under the rule of the Nazis after the war. And the Stasi grew out of that...the East German secret police. Like-minded kinfolk of the 'scientists' brought to this country. America got the death-camp 'doctors' and allowed them to continue their experiments.

The experiments centered around personality much can a human take before 'breaking', and what exactly IS breaking. Turns out the doctors discovered a process for creating new personalities. Works especially well with kids...the younger the better. Adults know life usually goes on after a rape, but what does a three-year old think? With no concept of life beyond the horror of the moment, the kid's mind creates a new identity compartment in which to store the horrific event. And when that new identity is created, the torturer can train it to assassinate, to spy, to seduce, to carry drugs in it's bodily cavities, etc, and then call it back at will. And that's what grew out of the CIA bringing the death camp doctors to the U.S. in 1947. The project was called MKUltra for a while, but they keep changing the names of the really ugly stuff. Sirhan Sirhan, Hinkley...probably MKUltra, or Monarch.

And as for the ones left in you people realize how INTENSELY the Germans hate America for leaving the Nazis in their positions of power in East Germany? The Stasi...they are what we are soon going to be seeing in the U.S. It is now legal to torture in the U.S., if the President or any of his designees authorizes it. Or so they claim. And I recall one description of a Stasi 'session'. Don't read any further if you're squeamish. The man was strapped to a chair, his eyelids were cut off, then the top of his skull was carefully removed. He was then placed in front of a mirror so he had to watch as his 'questioners' prodded his brain with needles, and as his brain short-circuited, he had to watch himself babble in baby talk and recite old school lessons, and so on. The East Germans were subjected to that for so long they quit breeding. They preferred national suicide to that kind of existence. Their birth rate dropped to zero, and continuing mortality put them into negative growth. And they blamed the U.S.

And now we have our own Stasi because of the new Homeland Security Act. WE NOW HAVE A NATIONAL POLICE WITH A LICENSE TO KILL...ACCOUNTABLE TO NO ONE! I fear you people don't know how bad the situation is. We're stumbling around in our little garden here and there are MASSIVE lions crouched in the weeds. Their eyes are fixed on us and every time we stumble closer their muscles harden a bit more. And they're nearly ready to pounce. One more 'terrorist attack' and that's it. The concentration camps are built and the U.N. troops will start popping up to 'assist' our new Gestapo during our 'crisis'. And the ex-Stasi troops will be among the kinder ones. To them it's just business...but it won't be to the ones who REALLY hate us...the third-worlders we've scoffed at for decades. If you are LUCKY you'll get off with a little brain poking. So you'd better get ready. If they don't speak English at that checkpoint (ski masks are everywhere now so racial features will be masked in the upcoming overthrow), so ask some questions at that checkpoint, and if they don't speak English, start shooting. If you have no gun, use your car to run them down. And when they come at you with hollow-point needles, answer them with hollow-point bullets. Sure you'll die, but YOU'RE GOING TO DIE ANYWAY. All of us are already on lists...either 'good', 'bad' or 'unknown' very few will make it past the checkpoints. And even if you survive the checkpoint today, what about tomorrow? Did your neighbor TURN YOU IN for something? What a way to live. This is it, folks. GWBush just announced a whole new 'regimen' of vaccines we'll be expected to take, and they are all poison. All of them. There are 300 weaponized strains of anthrax, and our anthrax 'vaccine' protects against 7. It's a joke. The Air Force pilots know it and half of them are quitting rather than take the crap. 40,000+ military have died from those shots since the Gulf War 12 years ago. And ask the Brits about the MMR shots. The hordes are about to come kicking through our doors, with needles and guns and a desire to plunder and kill, so you'd better leave none of them standing. Just THINK about what your leaders have done to you and all those you care about BY DESIGN, and let your rage pour out. It's either that or death in a concentration camp. And if enough people refuse to go along with the program, or strike back...who knows? CAN the 200 people who run the global crime syndicate subjugate America just because they've bought off the politicians? I don't think so. I think we have enough fortitude to do what's right once we see the choice openly.

And I guess some will think this diatribe is right in place on a UFO thread. No disrespect intended, isn't that I DISBELIEVE in UFOs, but it's just hard to contemplate what I CAN'T see when what I CAN see is so horrible.

End of sermon.

(Someone christened me 'The Sermonator' on another forum once. Maybe I should use it here)