The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56473   Message #883346
Posted By: Nemesis
05-Feb-03 - 03:01 PM
Thread Name: PEL: NCA Campaign free Seminar
Subject: PEL: NCA Campaign free Seminar
The NCA is organising a FREE information seminar on PEL and the new
Licensing Bill, which will be addressed by Andrew Cunningham, Head of
Licensing at the Department for Culture, Media and Sport.

The seminar will provide information on the latest developments in the
government's position and offer an opportunity to get some answers to
your burning questions.

If you would like to come, your contribution would be most welcome.
The seminar is on 20 February at the Wigmore Hall in London, from 2-4pm.
If you could pass the information on via your information networks, I would be most grateful. If you are intending to come please let me know, so that I can be sure of numbers (fitting in the venue). (TEL: 020 7333 0375)
If you need any other information, please do let me know.
With best wishes
Jackie Clayton
Campaigns Manager
National Campaign for the Arts
020 7333 0375