The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56400   Message #883379
Posted By: Bobert
05-Feb-03 - 03:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Colin Powell finds the 'Smoking Gun'
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell finds the 'Smoking Gun'
Yo, Tal:

Hey, I can live with "containment". I can live with diplomacy. I can live with the US taking a more active role in the world as a partner rather than a strick parent who only wants things the way they want 'em. I can live with the US doing an about face here and call for an Emergency Summit involving all the players in the Middle East.

What I can not live with is misinformation, manipulation of people using such and some 3,000 Patriot missles raining down on Bagdad in the first 48 hours. That's the word that "unidentified officials" are leaking left and right about the US war plan. That is me reference to Hiroshama. That is one heck of a lot of needless killing...


I'm sorry to disappoint you but:

1. This was *not*, except in the eyes of the wormongers, an important speech at all.

2. I'd rather read the text than listen to it because I can seperate the *information*, should there actually be any, form the fanfare. The photo's will be in the newspapers. Plus

3. I have an important presentaion myself tonight at the Leesburg Downtown Committe that I am preparing for which I know has meaningful inforamtion in it.

BTW, Doug, did they show the smoking gun? No? Well, did they even show the gun? No? Well, what the heck did they show. A bunch of trucks and construction equipement. Hmmmm? Maybe they mistakenly took a picture of a construction company. You know, Iraq, has trucks and lectricity and all that stuff. But, boy, don't those ariel pics look real, real sinister and scarey....
